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Infrastructure / Security Overview

Interactive Demo: Mint Tweets Dapp

Marble — The fastest way to onboard users into web3

Marble is a fully customizable non-custodial wallet that takes seconds for your users to set up. Embed Marble your platform to make onboarding users into web3 wicked fast with simple email or phone number login. Users who are new to web3 take 90% less time to set up their wallets with Marble vs regular wallets (no seed phrases or chrome extensions needed).

Marble’s headless SDK makes it easy for developers to not only embed Marble’s wallet, but also fully customize to your platform’s native experience. Marble supports multiple chains and is universally compatible across apps.

How Marble compares

Feature Email-Based Cross-app support Cross-chain support Embeddable UI Elements Customizable UI Elements Integrated Swaps, Identity, etc. Non-Custodial WalletConnect Support (Works on OpenSea, Uniswap, etc.) Protocol
Marble Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS)
Web3Auth / Torus ⚠️ (Limited API-support only) Shamir Secret Sharing (SSS)
Magic Connect ⚠️ ⚠️ (Limited) KMS-hosted private key
MetaMask ❌ (EVM Chains Only) Locally stored private key
Phantom ❌ (Coming Soon?) Locally stored private key
Sequence Wallet ❌ (Smart Contract) Uses Web3Auth for user key management.

Marble in action